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A Filipino young girl.

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery that enables people to profit from the control and exploitation of others. It’s a crime in which both children and adults are bought and sold into forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation through force, fraud, or coercion. Human trafficking dehumanizes people, turning them into commodities. It is a global problem that affects people in every country in the world. Victims include women, men, girls, and boys, and they cross all racial, ethnic, socio-economic, and educational backgrounds. Traffickers prey on individuals who are vulnerable. Situations including poverty, homelessness, family breakdown, societal exclusion, disasters, and conflict are some of the factors that create vulnerabilities to trafficking.

NCM Canada is providing support for Shechem Children's home in the Philippines - a home for children rescued from cybersex trafficking.  These children have been exploited by parents, relatives, or people known to them, to provide sexual images and content which was subsequently sold and shared world-wide on the internet. Nazarene Compassionate Ministries is partnering with the International Justice Mission, and the Philippines Children’s Ministries Network to rescue and rehabilitate these children.


Shechem Home provides for…


  • safe shelter and home environment where they experience love and care

  • the initial assessment of the victim and his/her family and critical medical & psychological care                                                                   

  • trauma counselling and spiritual care

  • a program that prepares the victim to be reunited with caring relatives or reintegrated through another avenue such as adoption, foster care, or independent living


The children who live at the Shechem Children’s Home have all survived sexual exploitation. Together, they gather around a long table to eat dinner together with their house parents. There is laughter and a level of noise that comes from a dozen children all talking together. Sometimes, there are also tears. For while Shechem seeks transformation through the love of Christ, the scars of exploitation are deep.

Each gift will be used as designated except where any given need has been fully met or in the case when the specified project(s) cannot be reasonably carried out, then the donor agrees that the designated gift may be used where it is needed most.




Pray for the victims. Their recovery is very difficult. Pray for healing and that they can be reintegrated into a loving home.



Freedom Sunday is promoted internationally. You can set aside any Sunday in the year to raise awareness of human trafficking.  For more information and resources see resources (above) and also



By Credit Card 

  • Use the "DONATE NOW" button below

  • Call 1-888-808-7490 or 905-602-8220 Ext 2 (Speak to Yara)


By Cheque

  • Make a cheque payable to the church of the Church of the Nazarene Canada, and mail to:


Church of the Nazarene Canada

3657 Ponytrail Drive, Mississauga, Ontario, L4X 1W5. 


Be sure to designate "Global Anti-Human Trafficking"  


By e-Transfer

  • Send to (no password required). 

  • Be sure to indicate "NCM Canada - Global Anti-Human Trafficking" in the comments box along with your full mailing address if you wish a charitable receipt.




The stories, the facts, and the testimonials….  

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Thank you for your support of Anti-Human Trafficking! 

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