Canadian Foodgrains Bank is an ecumenical association of Canadian Churches whose mission it is to “End Hunger”. The Canadian Foodgrains Bank is a “Christian Response To Hunger”.
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Canada is a member of Canadian Foodgrains Bank. There are 14 other members including and representing virtually every Christian church denomination from coast to coast in Canada.Each member has their own account in the Foodgrains Bank.
Canadian Foodgrains Bank has a contract with the Canadian government for matching funds.Most food assistance projects receive a 4:1 match by the Canadian government.
Canadian Foodgrains Bank is also a member of the Humanitarian Coalition.
To learn more about Canadian Foodgrains Bank, visit www.foodgrainsbank.ca
Agriculture and Livelihoods
The goal is to Improve the food security and livelihoods of 1000 smallholder farmers and ultra-poor households in South East Nepal helping them to learn improved farming methods which will increase their food production. The project will also teach women how to prepare nutritious meals from locally available foods and will organize the women and farmers into self-help groups to learn money management and how to save money and start new small businesses to supplement family income.’
Haiti is facing a combination of natural disasters, gang violence, and inflation which all have led to a negative impact on the economy and food security. Due to increased rainfall in 2023, the decline of maize and rice production by 5% was impacted. This low food production is leading households to rely on harmful coping mechanisms such as buying food on credit (which makes them go into further debt), begging, the number of meals eaten daily is reduced and much more.
ADRA distributed food kits that were made up of rice (25kg), beans(12.5kg), wheat flour(12.5 kg), maize flour(12.5kg), sugar (2kg) and oil (5.7kg). It was a 3-month food distribution for 2,356 households (19,083 individuals). NCMC contributed $150,000 to this project (Total overall budget of the project = $1,302,320).
“Paul, a locality in Haiti lives with his family in an 8’x 2’ shanty made entirely of wood and sheet metal. He recounts meeting his wife in 2016, with whom he has two children.
Paul explains that he couldn't complete his formal education because his parents could not pay his school fees. Early on, he turned to learning auto mechanics. However, things did not unfold as planned. "I wanted to become a great mechanic, but over the days, I felt like my boss was taking advantage of me, and I was earning almost nothing," Paul explains with his head bowed.
Since the birth of his first son, the family has struggled to meet basic needs. Paul works as a motorcycle taxi driver to try to make ends meet, but three times, his motorcycle has been stolen by armed gangs in Rivière-Froide. For Paul, the project came at the right time. "My wife had just given birth to our second child, and the situation was difficult. I had to feed her so she could breastfeed the baby. With the food kits I received from ADRA, things have improved completely. My wife is well-fed, and my children are as well. I hope this program continues," says the motorcycle taxi driver with a big smile.”