Our Work
Warmest greetings to all NMI Presidents and those who promote our NCM Canada ministry in your local churches.
This “landing page” is designed specifically for you to access the resources you need to promote our NCM Canada funded projects this year.
Below you will find links to our most current short videos (none are more than 3 minutes), one-page promotional flyers (downloadable) and social media posts (for you to use in promotion online) for the NCM Canada focus projects this year.
Of course, if you want other videos, stories, or other information on these and other projects, please visit the other pages on our website @ www.ncmcanada.ca
Thank you for your generous giving. You are helping people who are vulnerable, needy, and hurting. You are helping local Nazarene churches in Africa, the Middle East, Ukraine, South Asia and in the Asia-Pacific region to reach out with love and compassion to their neighbours sharing the good news of the Gospel.
Lives are being transformed because of your giving!
Download Videos
Grow Hope Markdale - June 2022: https://youtu.be/yN0BPdzTNH8
Proyecto’s de Enfoque 2022: https://youtu.be/woOvcBkna3k
El Camino del donante al beneficiario: https://youtu.be/kSr6S1jD2TM
Focus Projects 2022: https://youtu.be/-1Q4X-35n3w
- A Pathway from Donor to Recipient: https://youtu.be/kSr6S1jD2TM
Disaster Response – Ukraine: https://youtu.be/Eeisb0zpXoE
Disaster Response – Hunger Crisis: https://youtu.be/5Sy15DfcAco
Disaster Response – Canada: https://youtu.be/LXMyEiPinpI
If you would like any of these videos in an MP4 format to share during a service or gathering, please feel free to email Yara at ycristales@nazarene.ca to request the ones you want.
Social Media Posts
Printable Material: One Page Flyers
English: Click here to download PDF (3.5MB)

French: Click here to download PDF (3.5MB)
Spanish: Click here to download PDF (3.5MB)
Get Engage
To subscribe to our Newsletters by mail or by email, click on https://www.ncmcanada.ca/printed-materials and sign up at the bottom of the page or contact Yara at 1-888-808-7490 or 905-602-8220 Ext. 2
To download the 2022 Annual Report Click Here.
We post lots of stories and pictures on Social Media. Please Follow Us, Like, and Share our posts.
On Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/NCM-Canada-215582899199245 (Facebook page)
On Twitter – https://twitter.com/_ncmcanada
On Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/_ncmcanada
On YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA6NUJLk52G9juhP4DSTVUQ​
We are so grateful for you and for your hearts of compassion!
Elaine and the NCM Canada Team.