A WORLD WITHOUT HUNGER. The hope of a world where no one goes to bed hungry is what drives us each day. We work together with others who share the same vision, and we'd love to work with you too.
We are a Christian church and community based project located in Alberton, Ontario, about 100km west of the city of Toronto, Canada. Our goal is A WORLD WITHOUT HUNGER! We work toward this goal by helping to provide food in times of crisis for hungry people in the developing world, and by helping people grow more food, to better feed themselves and their families.
We do this by raising funds for the CANADIAN FOODGRAINS BANK, through a partnership of fifteen Canadian churches and church-based agencies. Let's work together to end global hunger.
You can sponsor the cost for an acre*, part of an acre, or just choose to make a donation. Cost to sponsor one acre is $300, half acre is $150, 1/10th acre is $30. Any gift you choose to give is gratefully accepted.
*An acre is about the size of a soccer field.
Expected return per acre is little as $300. When matched becomes as much as $1200 which will feed about many families for a month.
Each gift will be used as designated except where any given need has been fully met or in the case when the specified project(s) cannot be reasonably carried out, then the donor agrees that the designated gift may be used where it is needed most.